May 6, 2014

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8 Super Foods You Should Eat Everyday

Disease fighting red tomatoes

From aiding in fighting cancer to helping with vision and energy, you’ll find a little of everything good in these power packed foods.

1.   RED TOMATOES: Red Tomatoes are fortified with a strong disease fighting antioxidant called Lycopene. Studies show that it’s great for people with diabetes because of how it stabilizes blood sugar. It’s also great for vision and for fighting off prostate cancer in men.

2.   SPINACH: Has tons of phytonutrients and are loaded with flavonoids which act as an antioxidant. Spinach also has anti-Inflammatory properties and is an excellent source of Iron.

3.   Oats: Oats help the reduction of hunger and helps meet the daily requirements of whole grains. It’s also a good food for diabetics because of how it helps regulate blood sugar levels. Oats also helps lower blood pressure and is an anti-cancer agent.

4.   YOGURT: Yogurt helps boost ones immune system and also aids in healing after intestinal infections. It’s a great food for helping lower cholesterol and is a good source of protein.

5.   Blueberries: This fruit is the “mother” of all antioxidant agents. It has more antioxidants than any fruit on the planet! Blueberries are low in calories and aids in reducing belly fat. Great for Brain health, heart disorders and studies show a great anticancer agent.

6.   Walnuts: Walnuts have more omega 3 fatty acids (which are the good fats) than salmon and is also a great anti-Inflammatory agent.

7.   Carrots: Great for vision because of all the beta-carotene that it provides. Studies show that it can be big in the fight against macular degeneration and senile cataracts. Carrots are full of falcarinol which has anti-cancer properties.

8.   Raisins: Yes, Raisins—and why you ask, because Raisins have a positive effect on every system in the body. Raisins aid in digestion and help regulate and reduce the acidity of the muscular system.

So how would I go about getting all of these great nutrients each and every day? Start with a bowl of oatmeal in the mornings with raisins walnuts and blueberries on top. That’s 4 of the big time nutrients right there. Pack you a Yogurt as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack (That’s 5). Then pack you the mini-red tomatoes, spinach, and carrots in your cooler and you’re set to go!

If you can’t get all 8 in—in one day, then get 2-3 in that day. Just simply get in what you can during each and every day and be consistent in doing so. You’ll feel better, have more energy, and being proactive about your health is one of the best things that you can do!


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