December 31, 2099

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Why should you Detox?

Why should you Detox?

Detoxification simply refers to the process of removing toxins.  It refers to the removal of toxic substances from the body tissues and organs.  Toxins found within the human chemistry come from two primary sources: either externally (from food or the environment), or from the body itself (generated by improper or inefficient chemical reactions).

In a perfectly healthy, well-nourished human body detoxification is an ongoing natural process your body continuously undergoes.  Your body is a 24 hour production operation and its main goal is to
produce energy to fuel its systems.

Your liver produces alkaline bile which then travels into the small intestine and mixes with the acidic foods from your stomach. The two opposite substances chemically react to create energy.  The result of this energy creating process is
the absorption of vital vitamin and mineral nutrients into the blood stream. The nutrients are then filtered by the liver before being used by the bodies various systems as fuel and nourishment so that our cells can function properly.  We do not live off the food we eat itself but we live off the ENERGY our body produces from the food we eat. 

An improperly functioning liver will not produce 100% quota of bile to handle the volume of foods that are eaten.  When a person gets sick, In essence, we are not properly digesting our food. Why? Because there is a chemical imbalance which prevents the chemical reaction necessary to produce enough energy for cells to function optimally. Thus the beginning of illness is the malfunction of the liver.  The most effective detox plans understand the importance of liver, colon, kidneys and the digestive process in optimal health. Your life is in your liver.  

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